CFML News for May 21st, 2019

We discuss the CFML News Edition being added to YouTube, Itunes, Spotify and more. We discuss Adobe's upcoming Webinars with Fusion Reactor, Pete Freitag, and George Murphy in the next 2 weeks. We also discuss how Gavin will be at this week's Adobe Roadshow Breakfast series in Costa Mesa. We remind you about the end of the early bird for Adobe's CF Summit Conference in Las Vegas in October, call for speakers is now open, and mention the new ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program. We talk about Ortus Solutions' Bootcamp training in India with Luis Majano and mention how CF Camp is coming up fast and the Call for Papers is open so you can speak at CF Camp. We spotlight a lot of great blog posts and even podcasts, too many to list, so listen to the show. We show off our ForgeBox module of the Week CommandBox DotENV module and our VS Code Hint Tip and Trick of the week being the DotENV Syntax highlighter to match the ForgeBox module of the week. We finish the podcast by thanking and mispronouncing the names of all of our Patreon supporters.


  • Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
  • Andrew Davis - Senior Developer for InLeague LLC

News and Events

CFML News Podcast - Now available everyone

The website is the center for all information about the podcast. You can listen to podcast episodes online directly, link out to our YouTube channel and playlist, or subscribe to the podcast with your favorite podcast app ( links all below ).

This podcast is recorded live on YouTube every Tuesday, approx 1pm EST, if you subscribe to Ortus Solutions on YouTube and click the Alarm Notification icon, you'll get emailed when we start broadcasting. We always give everyone about 5 minutes to get that, so you'll have time to jump into the chat and watch live.

In your Podcast player

We have submitted the podcast to the usual selection of podcast apps and directories, and we're still getting the acceptance notifications, so we're adding more all the time. Below are the ones we are currently available on, even some special ones like Spotify

  • RSS
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Google Play
  • Overcast
  • Stitcher
  • Spotify
  • Pocket Cast
  • Castro
  • Radio Public
  • Tune In

Ortus Sponsoring Open South Code, Malaga, Spain.

Opensouthcode is an event to promote open technologies:

Ortus is evangelizing Europe

May 23, 2019 - ColdBox Workshop lead by Luis.

May 24 - 25, 2019 - Conference Days
  • Luis presenting: Intro to HMVC with ColdBox 
  • Jorge at the Sponsors Booth.

Adobe live Screencasts

Adobe has been doing some live online screencasts. There are 3 listed for May and June.
If you missed some, you can find more at  - just change webinar to recordings.

May 22nd - 11:00am PDT - Cut Root-Cause Analysis Time down from days to minutes using FusionReactor - it’s never been easier to "Find - Fix and Prevent issues"

Sound familiar…? You’ve been assigned an application issue e.g. something is crashing in production. You’ve tried to recreate the problem(s) in your test environment – but you simply cannot reproduce it.  
Presenter:  Intergral CEO David Tattersall

May 29th - 10:00am PDT - Continuous security for your CFML code with Fixinator

Every developer has that nagging feeling that they should be doing more to improve the security of their codebase. Fixinator enables continuous security scanning of your CFML source code. With security scanning happening all the time, it is not longer an easily ignored extra step in the development workflow, it becomes part of the workflow. Fixinator can find vulnerabilities in your CFML code, and it can even find vulnerable third party components which are one of the most likely causes of a security breach. Beyond just finding issues, Fixinator also helps you fix the issues it finds. 
Presenter: Pete Freitag

June 5th - 1:00pm PDT - Clean up your legacy code with Codechecker

We will take a look at a free open source tool for checking your ColdFusion code for vulnerabilities. There are several rules that it can check for. Those include missing cfqueryparams and un-var scoped variables. The value of this code checker is that you can build rules for it.
Presenter: George Murphy

Adobe Roadshows

The Adobe ColdFusion team will be traveling around the country, looking to bring rapid application developers together. Register for a breakfast meet near you to interact with the team, enhance your knowledge of Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and network with local professionals, all while feasting on a delicious breakfast spread.

  • May 23rd - Orange County Breakfast Meet
  • Gavin will be there - keep an eye out for him… come say hi.

Adobe CF Summit - Workshops and Conference

Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program

From the CF Summit Website:
The Adobe ColdFusion Specialist is a full-day certificate classroom program, delivered by top Adobe ColdFusion experts. You will be enrolled into the course as soon as you register and will receive course instructions and prep materials two weeks prior to the on-site program date. Following the training you will complete an online assessment – upon successful completion, you will receive your Adobe ColdFusion Specialist certificate.

It has been a long time since the last ColdFusion Certification program, back with ColdFusion 9 I believe.

The Mirage, Las Vegas
3400 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

September 30, 2019 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Price: $399.00 - this is early bird pricing

Ortus Solutions Training Workshops at CF Summit after the Conference

Ortus will be doing training on Thursday October 3rd, and Friday October the 4th.
Workshop: TBA

ColdBox From Zero to Hero - Bootcamp Training

Bangalore, India | October 16-17, 2019 - by Luis Majano
Very popular ColdBox training, a great way to get your feet wet and jump start your ColdBox development. 

Project Overview: 
We will be building a real twitter clone: SoapBox.  We will use HMVC conventions, including BDD / TDD testing to build out the application including the usage of many different ForgeBox modules and industry standards.

Price: $599 for 2 days
Group discounted pricing available for $499

CF Camp - Workshops and Conference

October 17th and 18th in Munich, Freising, Germany.
Read more now: - Tickets not available yet.
You can see the great lineup of speakers and sessions from last year on the site now. They will update as the speakers and sessions for this year is finalized.

Call for Speakers is open -
Deadline is July 7th
Nolan Erck has already submitted 19, so if you want to speak, hurry up and submit before he crashed their database :)

Workshops are usually available the day prior to the conference as well, so give yourself an extra day to participate in Ortus Training, or other great companies like Preside. We will announce them when we know more details.

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Pete Freitag had a good tweet about Following Michael Born

Pete Freitag Retweeted Michael Born
If you are a ColdFusion / CFML developer make sure you are following @michaelborn_me he has been putting out a lot of good content lately!

Michael Born is writing a CI guide for Coldfusion and Bitbucket Pipelines

"Whoop, whoop! I've got a Big Beautiful email ready for my first-ever 21 subscribers going out today!
Folks, I'm writing a CI guide for Coldfusion and Bitbucket Pipelines - sign up here"

Michael Born - Yes, CF is “Unpopular”. No, I don't care.

It’s popular to hate on CF. It’s popular to say Coldfusion is “dying”. It’s popular to call CF a “legacy” language, and compare it to COBOL. But is Coldfusion really unpopular? And, more important… does it matter?

Pete Freitag has a CFML Newsletter that he releases monthly

A great little newsletter with CFML News, one of the things that actually inspired this podcast. He releases monthly, and has 30 issues already. You can go read the back issues, and sign up for the latest delivered to your mailbox. 

Michaela Light from CFAlive interviewed Rakshith Naresh about the Vision of ColdFusion for the next 10 years

Michaela caught up with Rakshith at CF Summit East, and recorded a podcast interview. Read about the interview on the Adobe website link below, or listen to the interview on the CFAlive podcast ( link  in the blog post ).

TeraTech released the State of the CF Union 2019 Survey - Final Results

Michaela Light and TeraTech have been running this survey for several years now, where they interview ColdFusion developers about every aspect of their programming life ( engine, user groups, features, frameworks, monitoring tools, 45 categories in total ) and then compiles that into an amazing report. Very interesting to check out, we recommend you do.

Brian Klaas continued to pump out amazing AWS content

Using AWS Step Functions in CFML: Invoking and Tracking Step Function Workflows from CFML
This is the 8th post, yes, 8th post in this series on building Step Functions in CFML. Brian is a great speaker, great writer, knows his stuff, and is the leader in using CFML in AWS and is happy to share. Check out his blog post, and his series.

ForgeBox Module of the Week


Type: CommandBox Module
Load a local file into Java Properties for CommandBox commands and servers
Storing secrets in source-controlled files is a bad idea, but we still need some way to provide these sensitive credentials or configuration values to our projects. This problem is exacerbated in development environments where we are running multiple servers at once. This package let's us solve this problem for servers started with CommandBox.
Author: Eric Peterson

Install: box install commandbox-dotenv
Submitted by: Gavin

VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week

Extension: DotENV ( mikestead.dotenv )

Oderwat - 498,485 downloads - 5 stars
Description: Support for dotenv file syntax - VSCode .env syntax highlighting

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox, ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox. 

Andrew  Davis
Gary  Knight
Jan  Jannek
Joseph  Lamoree
Laksma  Tirtohadi
Richard  Herbert
John  Farrar
Carl  Von Stetten
Don  Bellamy
Samuel  Knowlton
David  Belanger
Yogesh  Mathur
Steven  Klotz
Dan  Card
Jeremy Adams
Brian  White
Didier  Lesnicki 

You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website

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