Modernize or Die® - CFML News for February 11th, 2020

Gavin and Brad host this weeks episode.They talk Adobe's Happy Hour Roadshows hitting California in the next 2 weeks. They announce a Fusion Reactor 8.3 is released Fusion Reactor Webinar with the live stream about the new features. They discuss more information on CF Summit East 2020 and the Post Conference CF Specialist Certification Workshop and Ortus PreConference Workshops, as well as ITB 2020 and the workshops, They also discuss some other conferences you should consider attending. They spotlight a lot of great blog posts, tweets, videos and podcasts, too many to list, so listen to the show. They show off our ForgeBox module of the Week, CommandBox Console Pretty by Abram Adams and this week's VS Code extensions, Local History by xyz We finish the podcast thank our Patreon supporters For the show notes - visit the website Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio
Modernize or Die® - CFML News Edition - February 11th, 2020 - Episode 40

Watch the video version on YouTube at


Brad Wood - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

Living in a legacy environment is like living in chains: you are restricted in all movement and capacity. Each new line of code you add and each new dependency you integrate on top of your legacy application, only make the chains stronger and your monolith will keep growing.
Ortus can help you tame your monolith and modernize today.

News and Events

Adobe Roadshows - Happy Hours

These events are going to be different than our usual breakfast meetings. We are holding an evening happy hour type reception which will allow us to have individual and group conversations in a more relaxed environment. This gives more time for networking between everyone that goes. Adobe is hoping to have the CF 2020 demos available to play around with if the location allows for it.

Blog for more information:

Sacramento 2/11
San Francisco 2/17 - Not listed in the blog post - cancelled?
San Jose 2/18
Los Angeles 2/19
Orange County 2/20

Feb 11 – Sacramento
Hook & Ladder Manufacturing Company
1630 S St, Sacramento CA 95811

Feb 18 – San Jose
65 N San Pedro ST, San Jose CA 95110

Feb 19 – Los Angeles
Public School 213
612 Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90017

Feb 20 – Orange County
Enclave Apartments Club House
400 Enclave Cir, Costa Mesa, CA 9262

If you are interested in any of the Roadshow events please RSVP to

Fusion Reactor 8.3 released

We are pleased to announce the release of FusionReactor 8.3 which can be downloaded here.
FusionReactor 8.3 has CPU alerting, improved Event Snapshot for ColdFusion users and Cloud customers can answer that question that all developers ask; light theme or dark. Personally, I prefer light but it depends on what I'm doing.
The team has been working hard on creating completely new Docs which will be available at our Doc server on Gitlab.

You can learn all about FusionReactor 8.3 Live Stream Event on YouTube starting after we record the CFML NEWS - February 11th at 7PM UTC (11AM PST)
We are running our first live demo and Q&A session on the FusionReactor YouTube channel, covering what’s new in FusionReactor 8.3.0, which is releasing very soon.
The demo should take around 30 minutes, at which point we will have time to answer all your questions.

Release Blog:
Download Link:
Live stream link:


Adobe CF Summit East 2020

Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Time: 8:00am - 4:00pm *Time subject to change.
Location: Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel
999 Ninth Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Cost: Complimentary

Save the date to join Adobe and Carahsoft for our interactive Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2020 to exchange ideas, inspiration, and experiences among fellow designers, developers, strategists, and thought leaders alike.

Adobe ColdFusion delivers a single platform to rapidly develop, deploy, and manage scalable, high-performing web and mobile enterprise applications — enabling agencies across the U.S. to embrace futuristic technologies with ease.

Adobe CF Summit East 2020 Workshops

Adobe - ColdFusion Specialist Certification POST Conference
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2020
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
*Time subject to change.
Location: Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel
                 999 Ninth Street NW
                 Washington, DC 20001
Cost: $499.00 USD *early bird discount
          $699.00 USD *after February 29, 2020
Description: The Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Program is a full-day certificate classroom program, delivered by top Adobe ColdFusion experts. You will be enrolled into the course as soon as you register and will receive course instructions and prep materials two weeks prior to the on-site program date. Following the training you will complete an online assessment – upon successful completion, you will receive your Adobe ColdFusion Specialist certificate.

Ortus Solutions - Build Secure MVC ColdFusion Applications - Pre Conference

MON, APR 20, 2020, 9:00 AM – TUE, APR 21, 2020, 5:30 PM EDT
Price: $899

In this 2-day workshop you will learn how to build a secure and scalable ColdFusion MVC application. We will design a twitter-like application (SoapBox) and build it using the most popular ColdFusion MVC Framework: ColdBox. We will design the client in UML and then build it using object orientation, database migrations, fluent query builders and then secure it using our rule engine: cbSecurity. We will also leverage behavior driven development (BDD) to build the entire client using a feature-test-driven approach.
Modernize your skills and applications with modern techniques and tooling.
Blog Post:
Register Now:

Into the Box 2020

May 5-8, 2020 | Texas - 2 Days of Workshops
Hyatt Place The Woodlands
1909 Research Forest Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77380
Into The Box 2020 tickets are up for sale now! To thank you for your loyalty, our #SuperEarlyBird all access pass will be $200 off the original price and you can select your workshop once the schedule is published #ModernizeOrDie
Register now:
Call for Speakers: CLOSED - Announcing speakers soon
Buy 2019 Videos:

4 Days - 2 Day workshops + 2 Day Conference = $899 Early Bird ( normally $999 )
3 Days - 1 Day workshops + 2 Day Conference = $699 Early Bird ( normally $799 )
2 Days workshops only - $699 Early Bird
1 Day workshop only = $399 Early Bird
2 Day Conference = $399 Early Bird

Into the Box 2020 Workshops

Keep an ear out for Modernize or Die Podcast - Conference Edition, Gavin is interviewing all of the workshop trainers so you can find out more about the workshops.

We announced last week we were offering 2 days of workshops so now you have options.

You can take one of our offered 2 day workshops:
ColdBox Zero to Hero - Gavin Pickin
ColdBox Hero to SuperHero - API Edition - Luis Majano

Or you could take 1 day workshops on both days or just 1 day.

Day one:
Intro to BDD - Brad Wood
Containerizing CFML Applications - Jon Clausen
Intro to Quick ORM - Eric Peterson

Day Two:
Intro to BDD - Brad Wood
Containerizing CFML Applications - Jon Clausen
CBElastic Search - Michael Born - Eric Peterson
Troubleshooting Common CF/Lucee Server Challenges - Charlie Arehart

Feb 19-21 2020 ATLANTA, GA
Luis and Brad will be there.

AUSTIN, USA • MARCH 2-4, 2020

DockerCon 2020 ONLINE ONLY

More conferences:

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Blog - Ben Nadel - Exploring Tag Islands (Tags In CFScript) In Lucee CFML
Yesterday, in my post about using CFML tag syntax in CFScript, Andrew Kretzer told me that Lucee CFML now offers something called "Tag Islands" (seemingly as of Lucee CFML I had never heard of Tag Islands before; and, other than this rather heated post on the Lucee Dev Forum, there's not really any documentation on the topic. As such, I wanted to take a few minutes and do a quick exploration of these Tag Islands so I could see how they work in Lucee CFML
A Tag Island is a block of code, embedded within a CFScript tag (or a Script-based ColdFusion Component), that supports tag syntax. So, just like we can use CFScript to create a block of Script-content inside a tag-based page, we can now use the triple back-tick (```) to create a block of Tag-content inside a script-based page:

Blog - Grae Desmond - Coldfusion Portal -
So I stumbled upon the site today while catching up on the ModernizeOrDie podcast and thought it was pretty cool.  It was announced by it’s creator Matt Gifford on his blog way back in November here:  He talks about why it exists, what led him to put it together, etc. so dip over there for a read.  I did a quick search of the portal and noticed no one had posted about it so wanted to add one.

Blog - Pete Freitag - SameSite cookies with Apache
Almost two years ago I wrote about how you can enable SameSite cookies with IIS on cookies that do not have the ability to be written as SameSite. Today I was helping a client on Apache do the same thing, here's how we can add SameSite=lax to a JSESSIONID cookie for example:

Blog - Nathaniel Francis - Computer Know How - JavaScript Class Method Chaining
Classes are a syntactic sugar element in modern JavaScript. This syntax was proposed by proponents of Class based languages such as Java (which ironically has nothing to do with JavaScript directly). Classes simplify the instantiation process that JavaScript’s Object prototype system had, which was quite detailed and cumbersome. Objects are still prototype based, though. They are not truly class based.
Recently, I’ve been using Classes more extensively. First, I used them as data entities within my business logic APIs. More recently, I’ve used them as state managers for complex processes. In this sense, they act as a state management tool for processes that perform multiple functions and can succeed or fail in a variety of ways in any or all layers.

Blog - Ben Nadel - Using ColdFusion Tags In CFScript In Lucee CFML
Last week, I had lunch with Gert Franz - co-creator of the open source ColdFusion-compatible language, Lucee CFML. At the meeting, I was telling Gert how using Lucee over the last year or so has really reignited my love and passion for ColdFusion programming. ColdFusion just makes things easy, combining the best of both worlds when it comes to synchronous and asynchronous programming. In response to this, Gert was trying to list out some interesting things that Lucee does, one point of which was that I can generically use ColdFusion Tags in CFScript by just removing the <cf prefix. Being quite late to the Lucee CFML party, this was news to me! So, I wanted to take a minute and try it out for myself.

Blog - Fusion Reactor - What’s new in FusionReactor 8.3.0
FusionReactor 8.3 has new CPU alerts in crash protection. We have redeveloped Event Snapshot for ColdFusion users which means that it no longer courses server issues. FusionReactor Cloud now lets you choose your theme and gives you better warning notifications. As well as a host of other smaller improvements and bug fixes.

Blog - Ben Nadel - My Personal Best Practices For Using LaunchDarkly Feature Flags
It's hard to believe that I've been using LaunchDarkly for over four years now. In October 2015, when Christopher Andersson suggested that we try something called "feature flags" here at InVision, I couldn't even begin to understand how truly revolutionary they were going to be. It took us a little while to figure out how feature flags worked; and, it took us a little longer to figure out how they can best be leveraged. But, at this point, using LaunchDarkly for feature flags is akin to using Git for source control - I just can't imagine doing it any other way.

Blog - Nathan Strutz - Lines of Code
One of the oldest and rawest forms of software measurement is the inimitable count of the number of lines of code. Let’s talk about that.
“Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.” -Bill Gates
I work at an airplane manufacturer. We actually know the final delivery weight of an airplane, even adjusted for paint and seating arrangements, and in airplane manufacturing, knowing the current and final weight could help. On the other hand, a work of software is done when all the features are complete and the bugs are worked out, or better yet, when we know it will make or save enough money to start selling or using.

Tweet - James Moberg - Blue Dragon Docs
Even though @OpenBlueDragon hasn't received an update since 2014 (supports java 7), I do like how they have their #ColdFusion documentation organized (They even have a Chrome Extension.) I'm considering porting some of their unique #cfml functions.

Blog - Ben Nadel - Trying To Debug "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction" Errors In Lucee CFML
The other day, Josh Siok and I were running into a strange problem: we were executing a ColdFusion page that was immediately terminating in a Transaction Deadlock error in MySQL. However, when we looked at the SQL statement that was failing to obtain the lock, it was a complete mystery (at least to us) as to why that SQL statement was consistently running into the locking problem. Eventually - after may page refreshes - the page finally executed successfully. However, I still have no idea what that was happening; so, I wanted to see if I could find a way to get better logging around MySQL deadlocks in our Lucee CFML application.

Tweet - Codewars - Ask and you shall receive
Ask and you shall receive @charlesr1971, @webmandman, @BelatechDave, @djlevin77, @gpickin, @gamesover, & @carehart!
Codewars now *officially* supports @coldfusion / #CFML. #ColdFusion

Blog - Grae Desmond - ColdFusion Portal - website now online
Was listening to the Modernize or Die podcast today ( and they were discussing Michael Born’s release of  I took a look after their discussion and it’s a pretty sweet little site with lots of quick code snippets.  It is even open source so more people can add to the examples and help grow the site out even more.  I don’t want to steal Michael’s thunder in any way so here is a link to his blog post announcing it and why he put it together here:

Blog - Kishore - ColdFusion Portal - DeveloperWeek and Q1 Roadshows
As part of our Java Community Outreach program we would be available as a sponsor at Developer Week from Feb 12-16. The event would be held at Oakland Convention Center, Oakland, CA. Elishia Dvorak would also be giving a talk about CF and microservices. We have access to some Open passes which could be claimed from
We would also be having some Roadshows in California. The meetings would all be from 5PM – 7PM. It would be a great time for us to meet CF developers in the area to wind down with a chilled beer and some great conversation.

Tweet - Lucee - Lucee Newsletter
Did you know we send a monthly newsletter with the latest Lucee updates? Keep yourself up-to-date and check out the latest newsletter now!…  #welovelucee #lucee #coldfusion #cfml #opensource #webdevelopment #tech

Coding Challenge of the Month - February 2020

$25 For the lucky winner.
How to enter: everyone who downloads the CFML Challenge app from ForgeBox and gets all of the tests to pass ( by completing them, and not cheating ).


Several positions available on
Listing over 34 ColdFusion positions from 24 companies across 23 locations in 5 Countries

Full-Time - ColdFusion Developer at FREDERICK, MD - United States
Posted Feb 10

Full-Time - Intermediate ColdFusion Developer at Edmonton, AB - Canada
Posted Feb 06

Contract - ColdFusion Developer at Richland, WA - United States
Posted Feb 06

Full-Time - Sr. Coldfusion Developer at Remote - United States
Posted Feb 05

ForgeBox Module of the Week

CommandBox Console Pretty by Abram Adams

Simple module to draw bordered message boxes to the console (Supports emoji!!)
ConsolePretty is a threadsafe singleton and suitable for injection.

Accepts String or array of strings to print inside the box. Word wrapping is on by default. If an array of strings, each item in the array will be a separate line (hint: even empty strings ). Can use some emojis (depending on terminal shell support )

box install ConsolePretty

VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week

Local History by xyz

Xyz.local-history - 135,494 installs - 4 stars

A visual source code plugin for maintaining local history of files.

Every time you modify a file, a copy of the old contents is kept in the local history. At any time, you can compare a file with any older version from the history. It can help you out when you change or delete a file by accident. The history can also help you out when your workspace has a catastrophic problem. Each file revision is stored in a separate file inside the .history folder of your workspace directory (you can also configure another location, see local-history.path). e.g., .history/foo/bar/myFile_20151212205930.ts

Recommended by James Moberg

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox, ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox.

Andrew  Davis
Brian  White
Carl  Von Stetten
Da Li
Dan  Card
Daniel Garcia
David  Belanger
Didier  Lesnicki
Don  Bellamy
Erick Hoffman
Gary  Knight
Jan  Jannek
Jeremy Adams
John  Farrar
Jordan Clark
Joseph  Lamoree
Laksma  Tirtohadi
Matthew Clemente
Richard  Herbert
Samuel  Knowlton
Scott Steinbeck
Yogesh  Mathur

You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website
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Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio

© 2019 Ortus Solutions