Modernize or Die® - CFML News for February 18th, 2020

Gavin and Eric host this weeks episode.They talk Ortus's upcoming Webinar on Containerization presented by Jon Clausen. They announced the newest podcast in the Modernize or Die® family, the Conference Edition. They discuss the frenzy of Ortus Product updates including CBSecurity, CBValidation and Mementifier. They talk about Adobe's Happy Hour Roadshows hitting California including one Gavin will be attending. They discuss Fusion Reactor's webinar from last week and how to watching it. They discuss more information on CF Summit East 2020 and the Post Conference CF Specialist Certification Workshop and Ortus PreConference Workshops, as well as ITB 2020 and the workshops, including the sessions and speaker announcements. They also discuss some other conferences you should consider attending. They spotlight a lot of great blog posts, tweets, videos and podcasts, too many to list, so listen to the show. They show off our ForgeBox module of the Week, Quick Tailwind Inertia Template by Eric Peterson and this week's VS Code extensions, Todo Tree. We finish the podcast thank our Patreon supporters. You can support us on Patreon here For the show notes - visit the website Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio
2020-02-18 Weekly News - Episode 41

Watch the video version on YouTube at

Eric Peterson - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions
Living in a legacy environment is like living in chains: you are restricted in all movement and capacity. Each new line of code you add and each new dependency you integrate on top of your legacy application, only make the chains stronger and your monolith will keep growing.
Ortus can help you tame your monolith and modernize today.

News and Events

Next Ortus Webinar Announced - Getting Started with ColdFusion (CFML) Containers with Jon Clausen

Thursday February 27th, 2020 11:00 A.M. EST (GMT -5:00)
Given last month’s success, we decided to continue with our webinar series. On February 27 at 11:00 AM EST, Jon Clausen will talk to us about Containerizing CFML Applications. So, if you ever thought about containerizing your application and you’re trying to wrap up your head around the implementation details, then this webinar is just for you!
Register today:

New Podcast launched - Modernize or Die ® Podcast - Conference Edition

In this podcast we spotlight upcoming ColdFusion Conferences, and talk to organizers, workshop trainers and speakers to uncover all the information you and your company needs to decide what conferences and workshops to attend, and what sessions you need to see.
Already available on Youtube, Spotify and a lot of podcast players, Apples Itunes coming very soon.

Ortus had a frenzy of product updates

Blog - Luis Majano - Ortus Solutions - cbSecurity 2.2 Released
Today we bring you a minor release for cbSecurity packed with features! Version 2.2 brings a complete overhaul of our jwt library and we have now switched over to the jwtcfml ( library which has given us a huge boost in capabilities especially supporting RS and ES algorithms. Check out their ForgeBox entry page to see all the features we inherit by using it.
We have also focused on improving our JWT and API security on this release, so check out the release notes for all the goodness!

Blog - Luis Majano - Ortus Solutions - cbValidation 2.x Released
We are so excited to bring you a major release for cbValidation! cbValidation has been around for quite some time and it was about time to give a major boost in development. We have also completely rewritten the documentation to make it more attractive and user-friendly ( Enjoy!

Blog - Luis Majano - Ortus Solutions - Mementifier v2.x Released!
We are so excited to bring a major version release of our Mementifier Module. For those of you who do not know what Mementifier is, here is a small synopsis.
What is Mementifier?
This module will transform your business objects into native ColdFusion (CFML) data structures with :rocket speed. It will inject itself into ORM objects and/or business objects alike and give them a nice getMemento() function to transform their properties and relationships (state) into a consumable structure or array of structures. It can even detect ORM entities and you don't even have to write the default includes manually, it will auto-detect all properties. No more building transformations by hand! No more inconsistencies! No more repeating yourself! Best of all, it is lightning fast!

Adobe Roadshows - Happy Hours

These events are going to be different than our usual breakfast meetings. We are holding an evening happy hour type reception which will allow us to have individual and group conversations in a more relaxed environment. This gives more time for networking between everyone that goes. Adobe is hoping to have the CF 2020 demos available to play around with if the location allows for it.

Sacramento 2/11 - Last week
San Francisco 2/17 Didn’t see it in their blog post
San Jose 2/18
Los Angeles 2/19
Orange County 2/20

Feb 11 – Sacramento
Hook & Ladder Manufacturing Company
1630 S St, Sacramento CA 95811

Feb 18 – San Jose
65 N San Pedro ST, San Jose CA 95110

Feb 19 – Los Angeles
Public School 213
612 Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90017

Feb 20 – Orange County - Gavin will be there!!!!
Enclave Apartments Club House
400 Enclave Cir, Costa Mesa, CA 9262

If you are interested in any of the Roadshow events please RSVP to

In case you missed it: Fusion Reactor 8.3 Live stream

Tailwind UI coming out next week!


Adobe CF Summit East 2020

Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Time: 8:00am - 4:00pm *Time subject to change.
Location: Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel
999 Ninth Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Cost: Complimentary

Save the date to join Adobe and Carahsoft for our interactive Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2020 to exchange ideas, inspiration, and experiences among fellow designers, developers, strategists, and thought leaders alike.
Adobe ColdFusion delivers a single platform to rapidly develop, deploy, and manage scalable, high-performing web and mobile enterprise applications — enabling agencies across the U.S. to embrace futuristic technologies with ease.

Adobe CF Summit East 2020 Workshops
Adobe - ColdFusion Specialist Certification POST Conference

Date: Thursday, April 23, 2020
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
*Time subject to change.
Location: Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel
                 999 Ninth Street NW
                 Washington, DC 20001
Cost: $499.00 USD *early bird discount
          $699.00 USD *after February 29, 2020
Description: The Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Program is a full-day certificate classroom program, delivered by top Adobe ColdFusion experts. You will be enrolled into the course as soon as you register and will receive course instructions and prep materials two weeks prior to the on-site program date. Following the training you will complete an online assessment – upon successful completion, you will receive your Adobe ColdFusion Specialist certificate.

Ortus Solutions - Build Secure MVC ColdFusion Applications - Pre Conference CF Summit East

MON, APR 20, 2020, 9:00 AM – TUE, APR 21, 2020, 5:30 PM EDT
Price: $899
In this 2-day workshop you will learn how to build a secure and scalable ColdFusion MVC application. We will design a twitter-like application (SoapBox) and build it using the most popular ColdFusion MVC Framework: ColdBox. We will design the client in UML and then build it using object orientation, database migrations, fluent query builders and then secure it using our rule engine: cbSecurity. We will also leverage behavior driven development (BDD) to build the entire client using a feature-test-driven approach.
Modernize your skills and applications with modern techniques and tooling.
Blog Post:
Register Now:

Into the Box 2020

May 5-8, 2020 | Texas - 2 Days of Workshops
Hyatt Place The Woodlands
1909 Research Forest Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77380
Into The Box 2020 tickets are up for sale now!
Register now:
Speakers and sessions now on the website.
Buy 2019 Videos:

4 Days - 2 Day workshops + 2 Day Conference = $899 Early Bird ( normally $999 )
3 Days - 1 Day workshops + 2 Day Conference = $699 Early Bird ( normally $799 )
2 Days workshops only - $699 Early Bird
1 Day workshop only = $399 Early Bird
2 Day Conference = $399 Early Bird

Into the Box 2020 Workshops
Keep an ear out for Modernize or Die Podcast - Conference Edition, Gavin is interviewing all of the workshop trainers so you can find out more about the workshops.
We announced previously we were offering 2 days of workshops so now you have options.

You can take one of our offered 2 day workshops:
ColdBox Zero to Hero - Gavin Pickin
ColdBox Hero to SuperHero - API Edition - Luis Majano
Or you could take 1 day workshops on both days or just 1 day.
Day one:
Intro to BDD - Brad Wood
Containerizing CFML Applications - Jon Clausen
Intro to Quick ORM - Eric Peterson
Day Two:
Intro to BDD - Brad Wood
Containerizing CFML Applications - Jon Clausen
CBElastic Search - Michael Born - Eric Peterson
Troubleshooting Common CF/Lucee Server Challenges - Charlie Arehart

Feb 19-21 2020 ATLANTA, GA
Luis and Brad will be there.

AUSTIN, USA • MARCH 2-4, 2020

DockerCon 2020 ONLINE ONLY

More conferences:

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Tweet Ben Nadel - Logical Expressions that aren’t so logical
I just came across a logical expression in the code that took the form of:
( a && ! ( b && ! c && ! d ) )
My brain died a little bit. This is the kind of expression that perfectly illustrates why guard statements and intermediary variables can be so helpful!

Tweet - Kayley @thekayls - Junior Dev starting a blog about her development journey
I did the scariest thing and wrote a @ThePracticalDev post. Which will be apart of a series! All spelling mistakes and incoherent thoughts are my own. Please give me your thoughts! #WomenWhoCode #CodeNewbie #ColdFusion #DEVcommunity

Blog - Ben Nadel - Adding A Description To FusionReactor Tracked Transactions In Lucee CFML
A few weeks ago, I looked at using the FusionReactor API (FRAPI) to add custom instrumentation in Lucee CFML. In that post, one of the features that I explored was the ability to wrap a portion of your code in a "Tracked Transaction" such that the execution of said code would show up in the "Tracing" and "Relations" insights within the various FusionReactor dashboards. So far, this has been a great feature! However, I've been wanting even more insight into what a particular Transaction is doing; and, I think I can use the "Transaction Description" as a place to store that information in Lucee CFML
CAUTION: The API for the FusionReactor "Transaction" class isn't documented in their JavaDocs. As such, what I'm outlining here is the result of me dump()-ing out the Transaction object, seeing what methods it exposes, and then - through trial-and-error - seeing how those methods affect the various Cloud and Standalone dashboards.

Tweet - Brad Wood - Retweet this if you've ever accidentally used arrayContains()
Retweet this if you've ever accidentally used arrayContains() instead of arrayFind(), but you'd never EVER admit it publicly :) #CFML #ColdFusion

Blog - James Moberg - ColdFusion UDF to identify Test Credit Card Numbers
I wrote a simple ColdFusion UDF to test if a credit card number matches test card numbers provided by various credit card merchants (as opposed to only validating against the Luhn algorithm.)

Blog - James Moberg - Convert CSV File to Coldfusion Query Object using ColdFusion & opencsv (Java)
I encountered some problems with ColdFusion 8/9/10 reading a CSV file that was created using Excel. The only solution that worked involved using opencsv, a Java parsing library. Here's the CFML code that I used to convert the results (a 2 dimensional array) to a ColdFusion query. (NOTE: OpenCSV is also the best solution if your Excel file has multi-line data in columns.)
NOTE: This is a Tumblr repost from 2013.

Blog - James Moberg - Javascript version of ColdFusion CFDump
Some environments don't allow for CFDump or maybe you want to inspect a javascript object and aren't able to use the browser of your choice. This JavaScript method "Dump()" from 2006 allows you to "CFDump" javascript objects.

Blog - Ben Nadel - Using XSLT And XML Transformations To Style My Blog's RSS Feed As An HTML Page
For years, I've been using CSS to add a touch of style to my blog's RSS feed. For those of you who are relatively new to web development, RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication"; and was one of the primary ways that content was distributed on the web prior to the "Social Media" era. RSS, at its core, is just an XML document. And, as I just learned from an article on RSS by Jon Christopher, the XML in an RSS feed can be transformed using XSLT. To be honest, it's been about 11-years since I looked at XSLT; so, I thought it would be fun to try and apply some XML Transformations to my RSS feed.

Tweet - Brad Wood - Java 8 u242 bugginess
Has anyone else noticed bugginess in java 8 u242?  It came out Jan 21st and I've seen at least two issues with it that rolling back to Java 8 u232 fixes.  #CFML #ColdFusion #OpenJDK

Blog - Brad Wood - Ortus Solutions - CommandBox 5.0.0-RC.1 Release Candidate Available
We are pleased to announce that the first Release Candidate of CommandBox 5.0.0-RC.1 is now available.  This release started as 4.9.0-alpha, but we decided to go ahead with a major version bump due to some major updates in our Java libraries.  Most notably, Lucee 5.3 and Java 11 support.  Please help us test this RC.  If no issues are found, we'll turn it into a final release.

Podcast - TeraTech - CF Alive - 102 ColdFusion in Biz (the Latest Trends in CF consulting)with Joby John
Joby John talks about “ColdFusion in Biz (the Latest Trends in CF consulting)” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light.

Blog - Ortus Solutions - Valentine's Day, Ortus Solutions Style
They say love what you do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Well, those words couldn’t be truer to our team of experienced developers, consultants and engineers. In honor of Valentine’s day, we have gathered up their thoughts on what they love most about coding and CFML.

Blog - Nathan Strutz - Programming is Hard
Maybe you don’t remember, so let me remind us all how hard programming is.
I have four children. Believe me when I say that I have been trying to get them to program from a very young age, and so far it’s not all roses and candy treats. Usually there is an amount of familiarization that a flourishing person needs to have with a subject in order to comprehend it fully. Learning how to read, for example, takes sounding out letters, followed by dick-and-jane books, followed by frustration, some time off (usually months), and then retrying, usually with a higher amount of success. Learning to read is a long process and doing it well involves creating many new brain pathways.

Tweet - Aubrey Fletcher - CFML is totally interesting
#CFML is totally interesting, I am reading the 100 minutes book, and it's interesting how the code works and I am using #CommandBox

Blog - Paulina Lainez - Ortus Solutions - Second Webinar of the Year to Focus on Containerizing CFML Applications
Given last month’s success, we decided to continue with our webinar series. On February 27 at 11:00 AM EST, Jon Clausen will talk to us about Containerizing CFML Applications. So, if you ever thought about containerizing your application and you’re trying to wrap up your head around the implementation details, then this webinar is just for you!

Blog - Ben Nadel - Dynamically Instrumenting ColdFusion Component Methods With FusionReactor Tracked Transactions In Lucee CFML
One of the really fun features of ColdFusion is its highly dynamic nature. Whether you're using onMissingMethod() or using getFunctionCalledName() or injecting methods, you can basically make your ColdFusion code do anything that you want it to. In celebration of this flexibility, I wanted to have some fun with my FusionReactor helper component, and see if I could dynamically add FusionReactor instrumentation (in the form of "tracked transactions") to a ColdFusion component at runtime in Lucee CFML

Tweet - Epicenter Consulting - Ben Nadels Consulting Company
ColdFusion may not be mainstream these days, but it is still an efficient, powerful, and evolving coding language. A lot of companies are upgrading and optimizing their outdated ColdFusion sites and moving toward newer options. Where does that leave you? In very good hands.

Coding Challenge of the Month - February 2020

$25 For the lucky winner.
How to enter: everyone who downloads the CFML Challenge app from ForgeBox and gets all of the tests to pass ( by completing them, and not cheating ).


Several positions available on
Listing over 35 ColdFusion positions from 25 companies across 24 locations in 5 Countries

Full-Time - coldfusion developer at Chennai, Tamil Nadu - India
Posted Feb 17

Full-Time - SR ColdFusion Developer at Remote - United States
Posted Feb 14

Full-Time - Adobe & ColdFusion Developer at Tempe, AZ - United States
Posted Feb 11

ForgeBox Module of the Week

Quick Tailwind Inertia Template v1.0.0

Quick Tailwind Inertia Template
Get started building a real application with Quick, cbauth, and cbguard. Power up your front end using Inertia.js, Vue, and Tailwind CSS.

Quick Installation
Each application templates contains a box.json so it can leverage CommandBox for its dependencies

coldbox create app skeleton=cbtemplate-quick-tailwind-inertia

VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week

Todo Tree by Gruntfuggly

Gruntfuggly.todo-tree - 388,791 installs - 5 stars

This extension quickly searches (using ripgrep) your workspace for comment tags like TODO and FIXME, and displays them in a tree view in the explorer pane. Clicking a TODO within the tree will open the file and put the cursor on the line containing the TODO.

Found TODOs can also be highlighted in open files.

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox, ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox.

You can support us on Patreon here

Andrew  Davis
Brian  White
Carl  Von Stetten
Da Li
Dan  Card
Daniel Garcia
David  Belanger
Didier  Lesnicki
Don  Bellamy
Erick Hoffman
Gary  Knight
Jan  Jannek
Jeremy Adams
John  Farrar
Jordan Clark
Joseph  Lamoree
Laksma  Tirtohadi
Matthew Clemente
Richard  Herbert
Samuel  Knowlton
Scott Steinbeck
Yogesh  Mathur

You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website

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Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio

© 2019 Ortus Solutions