Modernize or Die® - CFML News for June 2nd, 2020

Gavin and Eric host this weeks episode. They discuss ForgeBox 5.1 being released, Commandbox 5.1.1 being released and Quick 3.1.0 being released. They discuss Adobe's new Trusted Development Partners page which includes some well known CFML Companies, including Ortus Solutions. They discuss Adobe Developer Week Videos and Slides, and mention the Adobe ColdFusion Certification looks to be going online soon. In case you missed it, they discuss the CBSecurity webinar from last week, and other Ortus Webinars now available on with all of the ITB 2020 videos as well. They remind you about the State of the CF Union Survey as well. They discuss DockerCon from last week, and how to see the previous online conferences, and upcoming ITB Workshops. They spotlight a lot of great blog posts, tweets, videos and podcasts, too many to list, so listen to the show. They announce some jobs from twitter and They show off the ForgeBox module of the Week, Fixinator by Pete Freitag, one of Foundeos many projects. This week's VS Code Tip of the week HTML CSS Support, to give VS Code a CSS boost. They finish the show by thanking their Patreon supporters For the show notes - visit the website Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio
2020-06-02 Weekly News - Episode 56

Watch the video version on YouTube at


Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Eric Peterson - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions
Get live training from the makers of your favorite Box Product.
Live Virtual Workshops available for signup in June and more to be announced soon. is up and running with all of the Into the Box 2020 Videos.

Patreon Support
Thanks to our newest Patreon Supporter: Charlie Arehart
We are at the 48% mark for fully funding all of our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: If you love our podcasts and all we do for the #coldfusion #cfml community considers chipping in, we are almost there!

News and Events

ForgeBox 5.1 released

Today we are pleased to announce a minor release for our FORGEBOX suite of products to version 5.1.0. It has tons of updates and nice features for all plans. Enjoy!

CommandBox 5.1.1 Released

We have pushed a patch release of CommandBox 5.1.1 which is a small addition to the recent 5.1.0 release.  This release was primarily to address a regression in 5.1.0 affecting Mac OS users who tried to start Lucee servers.  If you see an error similar to this on a Lucee server and you're running a Mac and CommandBox 5.1.0, then this release will fix it for you.

Quick 3.1.0 Released

Quick 3.1.0 has been released with a new `JsonCast@quick` caster.
As always, find what's new and up to date documentation on our Ortus books site:

Ortus is a Adobe Trusted Development Partner

Adobe has added a new page on their website for ColdFusion Development Partners:
Our trusted development partners are committed to finding simple solutions for complex problems & deploying high-quality IT services. Their solid expertise coupled with the diverse features offered by Adobe ColdFusion have helped these companies build secure & high-performing web-applications for clients across the globe.

Adobe Developer Week Videos are out & CF Certification going online?

I registered for the Adobe Developer week, and just this week I got an email with links to all the videos, slides, and asking if I was interested in the CF Certification going online.

ICYMI - Ortus Webinar: CBSecurity - last Friday

cbSecurity : Secure all things!
May 29th, 2020 at 11:00 AM CDT (GMT -5:00)
with Luis Majano
Watch the recording:

ICYMI - Into the Box Videos - CFCasts

Emails are on the way out for ITB attendees to get access. is live!!!!

Also, Webinars are live on CFCasts

Reminder: State of the CF Union 2020 Survey

Help us find out the state of the CF Union – what versions of CFML Engine do people use, what frameworks, tools etc. We will share the summary results with everyone who completes the survey so that you can see how you compare with other CF developers.
Most questions are multiple choice checkboxes that are fast to answer. Thanks for your time completing this survey!
Partial Results:


DockerCon - last week

May 28, 2020 : 9:00 - 5:00 PM GMT-7 (PDT)
DockerCon is going digital with theCUBE! We’ve designed a 1-day conference that’s free and completely online. You’ll hear from speakers in live interviews with theCUBE, hang out with Docker experts in the live hallway track, and watch recorded sessions while chatting live with the speakers.
Choose from 3 simultaneously streaming channels or jump between them all to experience DockerCon your way.

Into the Box 2020 - Workshops - Virtual Live training

Gavin leading ColdBox Zero to Hero, June 4,5
Luis leading ColdBox Hero to Superhero June 18,19
2 6 hour days
9-12 Central , 1 hour lunch
1pm to 4pm central
Tickets available: $899

CF Summit West
October 28-29
Mirage Hotel

CF Camp

More conferences:

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Blog - Ben Nadel - The mid() Function Can Safely Go Out-Of-Bounds And Gather Zero Characters In Lucee CFML
I'm almost certain that the mid() function in ColdFusion - think the .slice() function in JavaScript - has historically been quite touchy regarding out-of-bounds references and zero-length extractions. At some points, however, this must have changed. I don't know when it changed; but, I accidentally discovered this nicety the other day when I was attempting to canonicalize a URL by its individual components in Lucee CFML. In an attempt to bring my mental model for the mid() function into the modern era, I wanted to quickly demonstrate its lenient behavior in Lucee CFML

Blog - Fusion Reactor - FusionAnalytics End Of Life (EOL)
Since 2011, FusionAnalytics (FA) has been delivering incredible insight into the metrics provided by FusionReactor. FusionAnalytics is built using a variety of technologies from Adobe Inc. – the main technology being Adobe Flash. Adobe announced that they will end-of-life Flash at the end of 2020, specifically, Adobe will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020. In light of this situation, we have decided to also halt further development of FusionAnalytics and official support will end in December 2020.

Blog - Ortus Solutions - FORGEBOX v5.1.0 Released
Today we are pleased to announce a minor release for our FORGEBOX suite of products to version 5.1.0. It has tons of updates and nice features for all plans. Enjoy!

Blog - Ortus Solutions - CommandBox 5.1.1 Released
We have pushed a patch release of CommandBox 5.1.1 which is a small addition to the recent 5.1.0 release.  This release was primarily to address a regression in 5.1.0 affecting Mac OS users who tried to start Lucee servers.  If you see an error similar to this on a Lucee server and you're running a Mac and CommandBox 5.1.0, then this release will fix it for you.

Blog - Ben Nadel - The 13th Annual Regular Expression Day - June 1st 2020
Holy cow! I can't believe it's already Regular Expression Day 2020!! Has it already been 13-years since we decided to start celebrating the overwhelming, awe-inspiring power of String-based pattern matching?! These little modern marvels of computer programming never get old - always a thrill, always coming through with a solution to our problems.
Recommended Tool: ​

Blog - Brain Klaas - Beyond the Basics of Using AWS S3 in CFML: Encrypting Objects at Rest in S3
AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) provides very strong security to all of your data in AWS, and S3 in particular, if you use it properly. Proper IAM policies make it so that only the right people have access to the right resources in AWS. (If you want to learn more about using IAM in CFML, watch my presentation from Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2019.) What if someone steals one of your AWS logins? How can you protect your data in S3 so that bad actors can’t see what you’ve stored in your S3 buckets in case they steal your credentials? What if you have compliance obligations which require you to encrypt every piece of data you store?


Several positions available on
Listing over 36 ColdFusion positions from 29 companies across 18 locations in 5 Countries

3 new jobs this week.

Senior ColdFusion Developer at Falls Church, VA
Posted June 2

Full-Time - Remote ColdFusion Developer at Greenwood Village, CO - United States
Posted May 30

Full-Time - ColdFusion Development Data Analyst -Remote at Greenwood Vil.. - United States
Posted May 30

Jobs on Twitter:

Jeff Stanislow @ChiefIntMkter
Looking for skilled CF and MySQL web app developer.  USA preferred, English Speaking, and able to interact with clients.    DM  me or fill out contact form. #coldfusion #developer #bethechief

ForgeBox Module of the Week

Fixinator by Pete Freitag - Foundeo

Fixinator makes it easy to find and fix security vulnerabilities in your CFML / ColdFusion source code.

Created and supported by the CFML Security Expert Pete Freitag, as one of the many great security products available by Foundeo.

Auto Fix
Known Vulnerabilities
Continuous Integration
Vulnerable Code
Backdoor Detection

VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week

HTML CSS Support

ecmel.vscode-html-css - 3,319,662 installs - 4 stars

Missing CSS support for HTML documents.

Class attribute completion.
Id attribute completion.
Supports Zen Coding completion for class and id attributes.
Scans workspace folder for css and scss files.
Supports remote css files.
Uses vscode-css-languageservice.

Daily VS Code tips on Twitter

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

Thank you Charlie Arehart - our newest Patreon Supporter

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox, ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox.

You can support us on Patreon here

Ben Nadel
Brett DeLine
Carl Von Stetten
Charlie Arehart
Da Li
Dan Card
Daniel Garcia
David Belanger
Didier Lesnicki
Don Bellamy
Erick Hoffman
Gary Knight
Jan Jannek
Jeremy Adams
Jonas Eriksson
Jordan Clark
Joseph Lamoree
Kai Koenig
Laksma Tirtohadi
Matthew Clemente
Mingo Hagen
Ryan Hughes
Scott Steinbeck
Shawn Oden
Steven Klotz
Yogesh Mathur

You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website

★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

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Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio

© 2019 Ortus Solutions