Modernize or Die® - CFML News for March 1st, 2022 - Episode 137

Gavin Pickin and Dan Card host the this weeks CFML News Podcast. In case you missed it they recapped you on the RC of Lucee which has no more Log4j 1.x anymore, which means the latest alpha of CommandBox is Log4j 1.x free too. They talked about recent and upcoming Webinars from Ortus, Adobe, as well as Hawaii CFUG... and more workshops from Adobe. They discuss the latest CFCasts content and some upcoming conferences, including some tentative dates for ITB later in the year. They spotlight a lot of great blog posts, tweets, videos and podcasts, too many to list, so listen to the show. They announce some jobs from They show off the ForgeBox module of the Week - CommandBox Log4j Detect - This module is a simple wrapper for the Log4j Detect project found here: This week's VS Code Tip of the week is Icon Fonts for Visual Studio Code - Snippets for popular icon fonts such as Font Awesome, Ionicons, Glyphicons, Octicons, Material Design Icons and many more! They thanked all their Patreons - they talked a little information about perks for their Patreon supporters, including Annual Memberships with a discount. For the show notes - visit the website Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio
2022-03-01 Weekly News - Episode 137

Watch the video version on YouTube at


Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer for Ortus Solutions
Dan Card  - Senior Developer for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

The makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and almost every other Box out there. 
A few ways  to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
Patreon Support

We have 36 patreons providing 97% of the funding for our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site:

News and Events

ICYMI - Lucee Release Candidate 1 - This release removes all traces of Log4j1

With the advent of Lucee 5.3.9 -RC, we now have a build of CommandBox (5.5.0-alpha) which is 100% FREE OF LOG4J 1.x!
Please help us test and use it if you need to get those #infosec monkeys off your back! 🐒 #CFML #ColdFusion

ICYMI - This Week Ortus Webinar - What's new in CommandBox 5.x with Brad Wood

February 24th, 2022 at 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
In this webinar, Brad Wood, lead developer of CommandBox will cover all the new features available in CommandBox 5.x. Tune in to make sure you're getting the most out of your CLI.

ICYMI This Week Hawaii CFUG - Using CFCs in your ColdFusion Applications with John Barrett - Last minute cancellation :(

Friday, February 25, 2022 - 5:00 PM CT - Central Time (US and Canada)
This will be a talk on using CFCs in your ColdFusion applications. Creating and developing applications using CFCs enables you to separate the code logic from the design and presentation. Utilizing CFCs and creating a clear structured format for your code will help reduce the complexity of logic within your pages and improve the application speed. Having a clearly structured, the well-organized code base will make it easier to develop as an individual and share resources within a team. This is the instant benefit of CFC development.

ICYMI - This Week Adobe Webinar - Cloud Report Building Using ColdFusion & PDF

10:00 AM PST
Join Mark Takata as he leverages the power of Adobe ColdFusion and Adobe PDF to build reports using cloud based no-code data-sources. Mark will be connecting to Google Sheets and generating PDF based reports with pagination, charting and data grids using GraphQL, CFML and PDF services.

Adobe Workshops

Join the Adobe ColdFusion Workshop to learn how you and your agency can leverage ColdFusion to create amazing web content. This one-day training will cover all facets of Adobe ColdFusion that developers need to build applications that can run across multiple cloud providers or on-premise

9:00 AM CET
Damien Bruyndonckx

Full list -


CFCasts Content Updates

Just Released

Conferences and Training

DevNexus 2022 - The largest Java conference in the US

April 12-14, 2022
Atlanta, GA
Brad & Luis will be speaking
Luis - Alpine.js: Declare and React with Simplicity
Brad - What's a Pull Request? (Contributing to Open Source)


May 10, 2022
Free Online Virtual Conference
DockerCon will be a free, immersive online experience complete with Docker product demos , breakout sessions, deep technical sessions from Docker and our partners, Docker experts, Docker Captains, our community and luminaries from across the industry and much more. Don’t miss your chance to gather and connect with colleagues from around the world at the largest developer conference of the year. Sign up to pre-register for DockerCon 2022!

US VueJS Conf

Beach. Code. Vue.
Workshop day: June 8
Main Conference: June 9-10
CFP now CLOSED! - Deadline: February 28

Other Conferences

Into The Box 2022 - Tentative dates - September 27-30
Into the Box Latam 2022 - Tentative dates - Dec 1-2
CF Summit - Still waiting on news from Adobe.

More conferences

Need more conferences, this site has a huge list of conferences for almost any language/community.

Blogs, Tweets, and Videos of the Week

Blog - Wil De Bruin - Logbox: track your database changes (part 2)
In my previous post on tracking database changes I described how you can log all database changes for a quick orm system. I also mentioned you can do a similar thing for cborm systems which are based on coldfusion ORM (hibernate). I have used cborm a lot in the past, and even did some presentations on orm, but I noticed there are quite some people who don’t like or even hate the coldfusion orm, for being slow, memory consuming and hard to understand. I am not sure if this reputation is well deserved.

Blog - Ben Nadel - Upgrading My ColdFusion Blog From MySQL 5.7.10 To MySQL 8.0.28
The other day, I asked my managed hosting provider to upgrade my MySQL version from 5.7.10 to 5.7.37 - the most recent general availability release of the 5.7 edition. I didn't want to go any farther than that because I didn't want to test the update - I just wanted access to the JSON functions and column-type. There was a little miscommunication, however, and the Support team ended up putting me on the latest version of MySQL, 8.0.28. This caused a few hours of accidental downtime (due to an incompatibility with the datasource connection-string). But, once I hotfixed that, the site appeared to be running smoothly. Once the dust settled, I took this an opportunity to cleanup a bunch of database schema and connectivity issues.

Blog - Matthew Clemente - An Approach to Using Hyper, qb, Logbox, and Other ColdBox Modules with FW/1
I’ll begin by saying that a substantial portion of this post is deeply indebted to Tony Junkes, who has blogged quite a bit about using ColdBox modules with FW/1. The approach I ended up taking is slightly different than his, so I thought it worth documenting.

Blog - Mark Takata - Adobe - Blog series: Part 2: Building a data import workflow using Cloud datasources and CFML
If you remember, in the last part of this blog series we tackled writing to a DynamoDB. This week, we’re tackling the editable table structures that will let us do a little ETL and massaging to our data before we push it to the dynamoDB.

Blog - Charlie Arehart - CF ‘downloads’ page moved into docs, JVM downloads UI tweaked
I just wanted to share something rather minor that I observed: the CF “downloads” page–which offers downloads for things RELATED to CF but not CF itself–has been moved to “within” the CF docs. It used to be offered at, but that now redirects to
There’s no change to the content of the page, though you’ll notice now that there’s a left nav bar with all the other pages of the CF docs. See the screenshot below. That may be of some value to those who find this page. FWIW, this move of the page took place last week.

Blog - Ben Nadel - POC: Embedding Encryption Key-Version Within Encrypted Payload In Lucee CFML
Earlier this week, I mentioned how fascinating it was that password hashing algorithms like bCrypt, sCrypt, and Argon2 all generate opaque tokens in which metadata about the hashing algorithm is stored directly within the resultant hash. This makes it easy(ier) for the hashing algorithm to evolve over time, keeping step with the increasing power of computing. I thought it might be interesting to take this approach and apply it to encrypted values as well. That is, to store the encryption key-version within the encrypted payload itself. As a follow-up to that thought-experiment, I wanted to see what implementing such an approach could look like in Lucee CFML

Blog - Ben Nadel - Installing FusionReactor APM Showed Me A Huge Oversight In My ColdFusion Queries
In an ongoing effort to modernize and improve my ColdFusion blogging platform, I installed the FusionReactor Application Performance Monitoring (APM) java agent earlier this week. I've talked about FusionReactor before and how critical it's been for debugging complex problems at InVision. And while my blogging platform is orders-of-magnitude more simple, I'm hoping that it can still offer me a different perspective on my ColdFusion application performance. And, wouldn't you know it, the moment I installed it, I immediately spotted a huge oversight in the way I'm writing my ColdFusion queries.

Blog - Ben Nadel - Irrational Guilt Over Using ORDER BY id In My ColdFusion SQL Queries
Most of the relational database tables that I create in my ColdFusion applications have an AUTO_INCREMENT primary key, id, and some sort of createdAt date/time column. The nature of the primary key along with the nature of a timestamp means that both of these columns "increase" at the same time. Which means that - in almost all cases - I can use the id to sort the query results in chronological order. But, I have a lot of irrational guilt over doing this since the id column is not semantically the same as the createAt column. But, this guilt is stupid; and succumbing to it would actually lead to worse performance in my ColdFusion and MySQL applications.


Several positions available on
Listing over 47 ColdFusion positions from 28 companies across 28 locations in 5 Countries.

5 new jobs listed

Full-Time - Remote Senior Coldfusion Developer at Boston, MA - United States
Feb 25

Full-Time - Software Developer - Coldfusion at Overland Park, KS - United States
Feb 23

Full-Time - Developer - ColdFusion/JavaScript at Ottawa, ON - Canada
Feb 23

Full-Time - Developer - ColdFusion/JavaScript at Montréal, QC - Canada
Feb 23

Full-Time - Developer - ColdFusion/JavaScript at Toronto, ON - Canada
Feb 23

Other Job Links

ForgeBox Module of the Week

CommandBox Log4j Detect

This module is a simple wrapper for the Log4j Detect project found here:

The Log4j Detect project is a native Go binary which will scan any folder of jars for vulnerable files. This module will download the latest binary for your OS and run it.

VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week

Icon Fonts for Visual Studio Code

Snippets for popular icon fonts such as Font Awesome, Ionicons, Glyphicons, Octicons, Material Design Icons and many more!

Snippets are limited to the html, css|less|sass|scss|stylus, jsx, blade and vue scopes. Typing the class name of an icon using the designated prefix will complete to a tag containing the icon class. Exceptions are fa-layers, fa-layers-counter, fa-layers-text and fa-layers (<span>).

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox,  ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox.

You can support us on Patreon here

Don’t forget, we have Annual Memberships, pay for the year and save 10% - great for businesses.

  • Bronze Packages and up, now get a ForgeBox Pro and CFCasts subscriptions as a perk for their Patreon Subscription.
  • All Patreon supporters have a Profile badge on the Community Website
  • All Patreon supporters have their own Private Forum access on the Community Website
  • John Wilson - Synaptrix 
  • Eric Hoffman
  • Gary Knight
  • Mario Rodrigues
  • Giancarlo Gomez
  • David Belanger
  • Dan Card
  • Jonathan Perret
  • Jeffry McGee - Sunstar Media6
  • Dean Maunder
  • Joseph Lamoree
  • Don Bellamy
  • Jan Jannek
  • Laksma Tirtohadi 
  • Carl Von Stetten
  • Jeremy Adams
  • Didier Lesnicki
  • Matthew Clemente
  • Daniel Garcia
  • Scott Steinbeck - Agri Tracking Systems
  • Ben Nadel
  • Brett DeLine
  • Kai Koenig
  • Charlie Arehart
  • Jonas Eriksson
  • Jason Daiger
  • Shawn Oden
  • Matthew Darby
  • Ross Phillips
  • Edgardo Cabezas
  • Patrick Flynn
  • Stephany Monge
  • John Whish
  • Kevin Wright
  • Peter Amiri

You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website

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