Modernize or Die® - CFML News for May 5th, 2020

Gavin and Brad host this weeks episode. They discuss the elephant in the room, Into the Box conference is this week. They discuss TestBox 4 being released... one of the many Ortus products updated for ITB, but you'll have to wait for the conference from the rest. They discuss John Farrar's webinar for the ColdFusion Community Education 2020. They remind you about Brad's CommandBox 5 webinar recording from last week, which builds upon the Screencast series that has been releasing 2 new videos a week all month long, and remind you to complete the State of the CF Union Survey. In addition to Into the Box this week, OpenSource101, Microsoft Build, Adobe's ColdFusion Developer Week, and Docker Con Online are all coming to us in May. They spotlight a lot of great blog posts, tweets, videos and podcasts, too many to list, so listen to the show. They announce some jobs from twitter and and Ortus El Salvador is also hiring. They show off our ForgeBox module of the Week, Gavin Pickin's appStartupReporter which automatically send vital app information to Sentry whenever a server starts up. This week's VS Code Tip of the week is the Path Autocomplete which provides path completion for visual studio code. For the show notes - visit the website Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio
2020-05-05 Weekly News - Episode 52

Watch the video version on YouTube at


Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Brad Wood - Lead Architect for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

Get live training from the makers of your favorite Box Product.
Into the Box 2020 Conference is online this week. Register and watch the sessions live, or watch the recordings later.

Patreon Support

Thanks to our Newest Patreon Supporter - Jonas Eriksson
We are at the 44% mark for fully funding all of our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: . If you love our podcasts and all we do for the #coldfusion #cfml community considers chipping in, we are almost there!

News and Events


This Thursday and Friday. The Ortus team is in a frenzy polishing presentations, releasing updates to projects large and small, but you’ll have to check out the keynote to see all the goodies.
Subscribe to our YouTube for notification on the Free Live Streamed Keynotes on Day 1 and 2
Use the discount code PODCAST10 for 10% off.
Register now:

TestBox v4.0.0 Released!

We are excited to announce a major version release of TestBox version 4.0.0. To install just use CommandBox: install testbox --saveDev or to update your TestBox installation update testbox. So let's explore this release:

Upcoming Webinar - ColdFusion Community Education 2020 and Beyond #2

May 5th at 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT
Hosted by John Farrar
Working together isn't about taking on mega projects. It's about breaking projects into micro solutions just like our software. We need to race like the Tortoise and make valuable steady progress. Together this will accomplish more than we ever have before.
Discuss: #community_courses channel on cfml slack

In Case You Missed It: Ortus Webinar - What's New with CommandBox 5 with Brad Wood

April 30th 11:00 AM EST (GMT -5:00)
You may have noticed that #CommandBox 5.0 released recently and it has many new features and enhancements to improve your development workflow.
View all our recordings:

What's New In CommandBox 5  Screencast Series - 10 videos released

Brad recorded a series of Screencasts being released every Tuesday and Thursday, here is the full list
Full Youtube Playlist:

New - Using Lucee Light Servers and Snapshot Builds

FusionReactor for the CLI

New commands sort and unique

File Globbing Enhancements

Server Start Optimization (Docker)

Undertow Options

Tuning Web Server Max Requests

Lucee Extension Management

Git Access Tokens

Library Updates

Reminder: State of the CF Union 2020 Survey

Help us find out the state of the CF Union – what versions of CFML Engine do people use, what frameworks, tools etc. We will share the summary results with everyone who completes the survey so that you can see how you compare with other CF developers.
Most questions are multiple choice checkboxes that are fast to answer. Thanks for your time completing this survey!
Partial Results:


Into the Box 2020 - Virtual Online Conference

Thursday May 7th and Friday May 8th, 2020.
The conference will take place on the same days, with the same schedule, all online.
Sessions will be streamed live and recorded so attendees can watch all the sessions, even the sessions they cannot attend.

Keynote will be streamed live for free.
The conference tickets are $199 ( massive discount from the in person conference )
Register now:

ITB Swag available at the Online Store:!/

Previous ITB Videos on Sale
Can’t wait for this year’s ITB, you can watch videos from last year and the year before for a price of $9.99 each.

Workshops are being refunded and will be scheduled at later times to give everyone an opportunity to attend one or more workshops as they are delivered online.

OpenSource101 Online Conference

Tuesday, May 12
Price: $19 - All the Free tickets have gone!

Microsoft Build

May 19-20.
For developers by developers
As developers come together to help the world solve new challenges—sharing knowledge and staying connected is more important than ever. Join your community to learn, connect, and code—to expand your skillset today, and innovate for tomorrow.
Free: Join us for the 48-hour digital experience

Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week

The developer week webinars would cover all these topics and much more. This is a series of free, live webinars where the audience would be able to hear from the best developers in the ColdFusion world.

If you are a new developer, someone with little or no ColdFusion experience, or even if you have been using ColdFusion all your life, these sessions are ideal for you. The ColdFusion Developer Week provides something for everyone so sign up now.

May 18th - 22nd - Online
2 Sessions per day - 10 sessions through the week.
Free - Register Online

DockerCon - Live

May 28, 2020 : 9:00 - 5:00 PM GMT-7 (PDT)
DockerCon is going digital with theCUBE! We’ve designed a 1-day conference that’s free and completely online. You’ll hear from speakers in live interviews with theCUBE, hang out with Docker experts in the live hallway track, and watch recorded sessions while chatting live with the speakers.
Choose from 3 simultaneously streaming channels or jump between them all to experience DockerCon your way.

CF Summit West

October 28-29
Mirage Hotel

CF Camp

More conferences:

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Blog - Ortus Solutions - Into the Box Blog Post Series - Meet Wil de Bruin

Blog - Ortus Solutions - ITB Blog Post Series - Meet Shawn Oden

Blog - Ortus Solutions - ITB Blog Post Series - Meet Tony Junkes

Blog - Ortus Solutions - ITB Blog Post Series - Meet Michael Born

Blog - Ortus Solutions - ITB Blog Post Series - Meet Jorge Reyes

Blog - Ortus Solutions - FusionReactor To Join as a Silver Sponsor for Into the Box 2020
The good news for Into the Box 2020 keep on coming! We are pleased to announce that FusionReactor will be joining us as a Silver Sponsor this year.  FusionReactor  provides real-time visibility and alerting of application performance issues. Thousands of customers trust FusionReactor to monitor their applications, enabling them to identify and respond faster to performance and stability problems.

Tweet - Orangeable - CFDUMP for PHP
#PHP devs: I've created a quick example modeled after the #Coldfusion #CFML cfdump tag that outputs your data in a clean, easy to read format: - It's been a great replacement from var_dump() and has helped me a ton!

Blog - TeraTech - Into The Box 2020 Conference – Welcome to the Virtual
This year brings new kind of “normal” and Into The Box conference is no different. Covid 19 world pandemic has forced us to distance ourselves from all sorts of things. Conferences were canceled and so many businesses (and lives) changed.
ITB adapted. It tends to show that they can successfully do a virtual conference. On May 7. and 8. 2020. Into The Box is set to be held in your home. Bedroom. Dorm room. Home office. You choose.

Blog - Ben Nadel - The Affect Of File-IO On Performance Experimentation In Docker And Lucee CFML
Ever since I learned that Lucee CFML supports parallel array iteration, I've been itching to find a good place to really leverage it. And, recently, it occurred to me that I might be able to use it to boost PDF generation at InVision. Currently, when you generate a PDF for a prototype, we let the CFDocument tag slurp in images using securely-signed, remote URLs. But, what if I downloaded those images to a scratch folder first; and then, used local file-paths in the CFDocument tag? Would it change the performance characteristics of the PDF generation?
Well, as it turns out, Yes and No. And, I'm not sure - it's confusing.

Blog - Fusion Reactor - How to Find Memory Leaks in Java Web Applications
Finding memory leaks in your Java application could be a needle in a haystack exercise if you are a rookie or intermediate Java developer who is yet to know their way around the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) production environment. However, depending on your profiling tool, you can easily analyze your Java memory consumption, while obtaining instantaneous insights into the heap in your Java production applications. But before we go into the details on how to find memory leaks in java web applications, let’s get into what a Java memory leak is, the possible causes of such leakages and remediation procedures to handle this.

Video Live Stream - Matthew Clemente - CommandBox VSCode extension + CFFormat (Learning by Trial and Error)
A couple weeks ago, Ortus Solutions released a CommandBox extension for VSCode. Over a year ago, John Berquist released the CFFormat command for CommandBox. I'll be taking a look at both of them for the first time tonight, and possibly using them in tandem. As always, be prepared for a lot of trial and error while I learn by doing.

Blog - Brad Wood - Ortus Solutions - What's New In CommandBox 5 - Using Lucee Light Servers and Snapshot Builds
Learn how to start Lucee Light servers, and also how to test Lucee snapshot builds in CommandBox 5.

Tweet - Brad Wood - Ortus Solutions - Task runners - everything is easier in CFML
I just replaced a 66 line bash script with 10 lines of CFML code in a CommandBox Task Runner.  Everything is easier to do in CFML 😂 #CFML #ColdFusion

Blog - Luis Majano - Ortus Solutions - TestBox v4.0.0 Released!
We are excited to announce a major version release of TestBox version 4.0.0. To install just use CommandBox: install testbox --saveDev or to update your TestBox installation update testbox. So let's explore this release:

Blog + Video  - Ben Nadel - Reading EXIF Orientation And Auto-Orienting Images Using GraphicsMagick And Lucee CFML
This doesn't come up a lot at work; but, sometimes, a user will upload a photo from their phone. And, while the photo looks "fine" on the phone (and on their computer), it will render as rotated in the browser. This is because the photo was taken with a non-upright camera orientation. The camera stores this orientation setting in the Orientation EXIF (Exchangeable image file format) header of the image file. And so, if I could read the EXIF Orientation and "correct" it using GraphicsMagick and Lucee CFML

Blog - Martin - Lucee - Windows Terminal CommandBox Love
I am not sure if anyone is already doing this, but it is easy to add CommandBox to the new Windows Terminal so that it launches in its own tab. Just thought I would share this.
If you edit the ‘settings’ for Windows Terminal you can add an item to the profiles.list array like this:

Blog - Zac Spitzer - Lucee - Client side sorting for Modern debugging template (
I have added client side sorting in vanilla javascript to the modern debugging template.
You can now sort queries, execution times, unscoped variables etc, just by clicking the row header (TH)

Tweet - James Moberg - Microsoft Edge - Feature or a Bug?
While working on a #ColdFusion app, session cookies didn't clear when @MicrosoftEdge browser restarted. I had to disable "On startup: Continue where you left off" or session cookies aren't cleared. It's a feature, but as a developer, it definitely seemed like a bug.


Several positions available on
Listing over 24 ColdFusion positions from 19 companies across 17 locations in 5 Countries

1 new job this week.

Full-Time - Coldfusion Developer at North Carolina - United States
Posted Apr 28

Ortus is Hiring
Ortus El Salvador is #hiring a Web Designer! If you meet the requirements, contact us as soon as possible.
Job Description:

Email for more information

ForgeBox Module of the Week

appStartupReporter by Gavin Pickin

Reports App Startup information to Sentry
This module determines various pieces of information from your app, and reports this to Sentry. You need to install the sentry module and configure ColdBox in order for this module to work.

How does it work?
This module checks your app code for helper files or the OS itself to determine several pieces of information, and then reports that information to Sentry when the app starts up.

When does it run?
The interceptor runs AfterConfigurationLoad, and reports to Sentry based on your ColdBox Sentry settings.

What information does it report
- App Version
- ColdBox Environment
- Server Hostname
- Box.json file content
- Box Dependencies ( like running box list from the CLI )

VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week

Path Autocomplete

Recommended by David Levin
Ionutvmi.path-autocomplete - 490,245 installs

Provides path completion for visual studio code.

- it supports relative paths (starting with ./)
- it supports absolute path to the workspace (starting with /)
- it supports absolute path to the file system (starts with: C:)
- it supports paths relative to the user folder (starts with ~)
- it supports items exclusions via the path-autocomplete.excludedItems option
- it supports npm packages (starting with a-z and not relative to disk)
- it supports automatic suggestion after selecting a folder
- it supports custom mappings via the path-autocomplete.pathMappings option
- it supports custom transformations to the inserted text via the path-autocomplete.transformations
- it supports windows paths with the path-autocomplete.useBackslash

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

New Patreon Supporter - Jonas Eriksson

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox, ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox.

You can support us on Patreon here

Ben Nadel
Brett DeLine
Da Li
Dan Card
Daniel Garcia
David Belanger
Didier Lesnicki
Don Bellamy
Erick Hoffman
Gary Knight
Jan Jannek
Jeremy Adams
Jonas Eriksson
Jordan Clark
Joseph Lamoree
Kai Koenig
Laksma Tirtohadi
Matthew Clemente
Mingo Hagen
Ryan Hughes
Scott Steinbeck
Shawn Oden
Steven Klotz
Yogesh Mathur

You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website

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Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio

© 2019 Ortus Solutions